Leaving academia is hard.

But it doesn't have to be.

The After Academia Incubator is full for June.
Join the waitlist for July 2024

Weekly newsletter. Free actionable tips to transplant and grow your non-academic career.
PhD Career Guide. A free guide with 50+ resources for PhDs exploring careers outside academia.
Incubator program. In 8 weeks learn how to change careers with a supportive community of PhDs
1:1 Coaching. Personalized support for every step of your non-academic job search.

Hi! I'm Ashley :)

For over a decade, I worked to become a professor at a top-tier research university.Then, I quit.Today, I'm helping other PhDs transplant their careers outside of academia.I'm giving you everything I needed (but didn't have) when I changed careers. You don't have to struggle alone like I did.My free career advice has inspired 85,000+ followers on social media. I'll see you there!P.S. - Read my story in Science.

Different ways to negotiate salary
A picture of Ashley - a femme presenting person with light skin and short brown hair - wearing a black shirt, grey jeans, and white boots